Use the IQ Business Plan tool to analyse the strength of your Business Plan

What is IQ Business Plan Analyser?

The IQ Business Plan is a checklist questionnaire. You got access to it from your Startup Pro contact person. The purpose is to analyse and measure the health of your business plan. The resulting score ranges from 1 to 100 to view strengths and weaknesses in your work progress. Questions are in 4 areas: Useful Documents, Investments, Innovations and Markets. You can return to edit your checklist later.



Contact info: Start by adding contact information and bqckground details. You can return to edit this section later.

UseFUL DOCUMENTS: This section help you identify how far you have progressed with your business idea. Which documents templates are used?

INVESTMENT: Purpuse is to tell if your idea is a potential proftiable investment. Can it have an opportunity to attract any early fundings?

INNOVATION: This section answers if your business idea is an innovation opportunity. For example, does it represent something completely new on the market or an improved version of something already there?

Market: This checklist should indicate if you have knowledge of the market where the business idea will compete?

Go to Save/Edit: Use Save and Edit to update your content. It allows you to include more information as you progress.